And I have no idea who this is
But I like the way she thinks, and she writes, and she writes her thinks. Must ask.
Resonance of Being
But I like the way she thinks, and she writes, and she writes her thinks. Must ask.
Rather than steal the content, I'd rather post a link. Take this heartwrenching quiz and get some insight into your own values. (Then read the comments. *grin*)
David, Steph and I are now the new Karaoke Hosts at a local neighbourhood pub, appearing as MC and The Dirty Urges ©. C'mon out Wednesday and Saturday to Alfredo's. It's been a blast.
This guy witnesses a crash, and his entire rendition is caught on voice mail. See the post in another blog. You MUST listen. :)
Had a great time tonight doing an Improv show for a crowd of about 150. It was nice to get back into the groove of THINKING! QUICK THINK! THINK SMART YOU DUMBASS! (That's what goes through my head.)
One of things I wish I wrote. ;-) It's a humorous article on balancing life and writing. I haven't actually come across many that are good.
Cool idea. Using short video as a marketing tool for books. This one is cute.
Seems like the 'thing' to do. I'm posting the panels I'll be on at VCon. Come say hi!
Came across this author's blog today. He has posted a rather lengthy analysis of the different reviews he's received for his first novel. I think it's freakin hilarious. Obviously, we all get upset when somebody doesn't like our work, but he's looking at it analytically to better his position.
My neighbour saw me on TV.
Lynda has taken a bit of a novel approach to her shared universe projects. (no pun intended.) She is willing to work with writers who find her 'world' fascinating and want to create within those boundaries. The opportunity to write and publish in an anthology is a very unique one for budding writers.
Clayten & Tammy, two lovely people, have been making photo records of some recent Cons with their spooky ability to catch the money shot. I have blatantly stolen some pictures from our recent trip to Seattle, included a few below, and of course, so they don't hate me, a link to their site.
Hee hee. Just discovered these guidelines at Strange Horizons. Please don't be a dumbass and submit stories stuck in these stereotypical plot lines/settings.
I just had to post a link to Nina Munteanu's funky website. She is a Canadian SF author, with a stamina for partying that almost overshadows my own. If you ever get a chance to read her work or meet her in person, please do so. Both are equally enjoyable.