Thursday, March 24, 2005

Women writers are dull & depressing

Some nitwits in the UK made a comment about the submissions they received from women writers for an anthology. I love the rant in this article.
Whether the editors had a good point or not, I'm not sure, but I'm all for a little uproar. :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A bigger baby now

Yay me. I'm 33 today. I have a birthday resolution - get the f**k out more. The clincher was my first birthday card being from my chiropractor.
I also realized that I have smoked (on & off, mostly on) for 15 years now. 15???? That's ridiculous. I think that may also be the clincher for quitting.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Baby steps

Woohoo. I've just surpassed 12,000 words in my novella. Not a great lot by many standards, but my standards are low.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Submitted to Neo-Opsis

I submitted my Finely Tuned story to Neo-Opsis. I shall sit quietly on my snowy stoop, cigarette in hand, for the next few weeks, nervously waiting for a reply.

Might have to come in to check my email once in a while. Just thought of that.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Interviewing Hell

Love the title. This is a freakin hilarious article. I'm not sure whose side to take.
(Click the title for the link.)

Whoaa, flashback.

No, not the chemically induced kind.

My mother was on a ditching-out-crap spree in my room at her house. (I think it shall no longer be my room.) She brought me a big bag of miscellaneous stuff, most of it from my teen years. There were treasures, and there was junk.

School newspaper - we started the school newspaper in grade 10 or 11. I was the editor and putter-together via the old method of cut & paste. (Paper, not ctrl-c.) It's freakin HILARIOUS to read now. I especially love the part where I lipped off the high school from a neighbouring town. What was even more gratifying was the lack of stern criticism from the Principal.
I had also been part of the first student newspaper in college, again as the editor. I have two favourite memories:
1.) The advice columnist was Dr. Wop. Many people were outraged, saying that he was being racist with his title, but he was a freakin Italian, and proud of it. I can understand the public outcry from his advice to a student to masturbate while watching figure skating in order to solve a homework problem. :) (Yet I printed it.)
2.) Houseparty. Booze. Hot tub. Party loudly all night. Parent of partier comes out screaming at us at 6am. Was Dean of school. Majorly embarassed.

Junk: (from bedroom)
Bon Jovi poster.
Superhost Certificate. (Just how long were those good for anyway?)
Mickey Mouse baseball cap from Las Vegas. (not remembering which whacked relative thought I would appreciate that.)
French homework. (What the #$@?)

Sunday, March 06, 2005


I love the look, snickered at the attitude, but haven't had a chance yet to read any of the stories. Some brain candy in your spare minutes.