Speed what?
My eyes are spinning.
Just tried a speed reading test from a link Lynda sent me. I got 679 words per minute on my first try, didn't have a clue what the paragraph was about, but managed to ace the answers. Then after their eye-numbing little exercise I got 761. Retention isn't too high at that speed.
From other sources, did you know that reading on the computer screen is 25% slower than on paper?
Try the test and exercise, it's fun. The resulting vertigo has less side effects than any mind altering product.
Do you the sources for the slower reading speeds on computers?
Karl Johanson
Hi Karl.
I don't have any hard & fast studies on hand.
Here's one link with some various babble, http://www.readingsoft.com/
and this site has a lot of links for more exercises and information: http://www.42explore.com/skim.htm
(How's your ping in Pong coming along?)
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